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for grandparents & those who love them

Emeritus at Emerson celebrates Grandparents Day

By Carol Habler – Life Enrichment Director – Emeritus at Emerson Emerson-LED@emeritus.com | www.emeritus.comhttps://www.facebook.com/EmeritusSL

National Assisted Living Week begins on Grandparent’s Day, Sunday, September 8th and continues until September 14,2013. Many assisted living residents are the people who made significant contributions to our community. They have been the teachers, business people, civic leaders, public officials, parents, and now grandparents, who have contributed so much to the community of Emerson. This week gives us a chance to honor these citizens’ and their contributions along with staff, families, friends, and volunteers of our community.

NALW logoThis year’s National Assisted Living Week theme is “Homemade Happiness.” Emeritus Senior Living, located at 590 Old Hook Road, Emerson, New Jersey will be hosting a Grandparent’s Day to showcase our residents and staff and give them a chance to shine. It will be held September 8, 2013, from 2-4pm.

We invite you to be part of our celebration and witness first hand the beauty and joy that is the motivating force behind Emeritus of Emerson’s care. We think you would be interested in hearing about this event and learning more about the unique individuals at Emeritus at Emerson, New Jersey. Please RSVP with our concierge at 201-986-9009.

Christine Crosby

About the author

Christine is the co-founder and editorial director for GRAND Magazine. She is the grandmother of five and great-grandmom (aka Grandmere) to one. She makes her home in St. Petersburg, Florida.

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